Mark Farid – S+T+ARTS Residency at UOC Mark Farid is one of the 11 winners of the S+T+ARTS Residencies that invites the artists to address the challenges that European regions face today. Within this programme, Hac Te is promoting a stay of 9 nine months at the...
Mónica Rikić – S+T+ARTS Residency at Institute of Robotics at CSIC-UPC Mónica Rikić is one of the 11 winners of the S+T+ARTS Residencies that invites the artists to address the challenges that European regions face today. Within this programme, Hac Te is promoting a...
Hac Te presenta la Red ACTS en Sónar+D Sónar+D ha acollit la presentació pública de la Red de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (Red ACTS), iniciativa impulsada per Hac Te juntament amb la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) i la Fundación Daniel y Nina...