Watch our new videos about art, science and technology
The relationships between art, science, and technology take many forms, and it is increasingly urgent and essential to foster their prosperity. Scientific and technological advancements constantly reshape the arts and cultural industries, providing infinite creative possibilities. In turn, art serves as a driver for change and reflection on scientific and technological knowledge, contributing to making it more humane and ethical while pushing boundaries. With the aim of making these relationships and their impact in Catalonia more understandable, the Hac Te hub has presented a series of four audiovisuals where creators, researchers, curators, or educators reflect on the synergies between disciplines.
The first of these focuses on the need to provide cross-disciplinary responses from the fields of arts, science, and technology to contemporary challenges as complex as climate change or digital transformation. As noted by Hangar’s director, Anna Manubens, the fact that artists are not dependent on such results-oriented environments allows them to approach these challenges from a more measured perspective and unexpected points of view. At the same time, the presence of artists in research centers encourages scientists to step out of their comfort zone and contributes to frontier research, as explained by Lydia Santmartí from the Institute of Photonic Sciences.
The collaborations between artists, scientists, or engineers take center stage in the second video, exploring the bidirectionality of these relationships. While art can help explain or question technology, technology also evolves art and provides new creative possibilities, as emphasized by Ferran Marqués, professor at UPC.
The third video analyzes the fertile and varied ecosystem of digital art in Barcelona and, by extension, Catalonia, which is increasingly gaining relevance nationally and internationally. An ecosystem that, in the words of Irma Vilà, curator and professor at UOC, has nothing to envy from any other city in the world in terms of artistic creation but still needs institutional support, resources, and infrastructure to match other pioneering capitals in the field.
The last of these videos reflects on the economic and social impact of digital culture and highlights the need to promote interaction between sectors to provide innovative solutions. An urban and national commitment, according to Miquel Martí -CEO of Tech Barcelona-, who believes that Catalonia must gather strength from those areas where we are already references to become a global one.