As populations age, there is an urgent need to rethink the future of assisted living. Somoure is an artistic research project that explores the production processes, impacts, and consequences of developing assistive robotics. Nyam is a robotic arm designed by the...
The three S+T+ARTS in the city residencies hosted by HacTe have almost reached their end, and the results will be showcased at major international events. Mark Farid and Disnovation will showcase their work at Ars Electronica, in Linz, from the 4th until the 8th of...
Registration open for the Symposium ‘Exploring the intersections of Arts, Science, Technology and Society as catalysts for change’ A S+T+ARTS Symposium to reflect on impact and shape the future 29th & 30th October 2024 – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya...
IMPORTANT: Per motius aliens a l’organització, les dates d’aquest taller s’han posposat al 12, 13 i 14 de desembre. HacTe, juntament amb els seus membres Hangar i einaidea, organitza un taller intensiu de tres jornades amb lxs artistes Elisa Giardina Papa i Zach Blas....
Open Forum on Arts, Science & Technology Date: Thursday, 13th of June 2024Time: 12:00 – 14:30 hLocation: Room +2 – Sala VIP The second edition of the Open Forum on Arts, Science & Technology at Sónar+D, an activity promoted by the ASTS Spanish...
Descobreix les activitats dels membres d’HacTe i del programa S+T+ARTS a Sónar+D! Juntament amb la segona edició de l’Open Forum on Arts, Science & Technology al Sonar+D, activitat promoguda per la Red ACTS i organitzada per HacTe, des de l’associació...
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